Welcome to the Parish of Exning with Landwade
Saturday 15th February |
9 am |
Prayerful Eucharist |
St Agnes |
Sunday 16th February Septugesima |
9.30 am |
Morning Service |
St Philip and St Etheldreda |
11 am |
Holy Communion |
St Martin |
11.15 am |
Holy Communion |
St Agnes |
Saturday 22nd February |
9 am |
Prayerful Eucharist |
St Agnes |
Sunday 23rd February Sexagesima |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
St Philip and St Etheldreda |
11 am |
Holy Communion |
St Martin |
11.15 am |
Matins |
St Agnes |
Saturday 1st March |
9 am |
Prayerful Eucharist |
St Agnes |
Readings for Communion Services
16th February 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 NT page 188
Luke 6:17-26 NT page 68
23rd February Psalm 65 OT page 557
Luke 8:22-25 NT page 72
Please pray for:
Ann, Avril, Ann, Sarah, Bridget, Nicholas, Pauline, Cedric, Sandra, Rosemary, Arthur, Tony, Lynsay, Claire, Andreea and Stephen and family, Patricia, Jane, Malcolm, Rose, Alan and Imogen who are in particular need of prayer at this time.
For those mourning the deaths of loved ones.
Events for weeks commencing 9th and 16th February |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Topic |
Venue |
Contact |
Friday |
14th February |
2.00 pm |
Parish Events Diary Planning and Voice Meeting |
St Philip and St Etheldreda |
Jenny King |
Friday |
14th February |
7 for 7.30 pm |
Village Cinema Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Exning Community Church Hall |
Mike Lovegrove |
Monday |
17th February |
10 am |
Footsteps |
Exning Community Church Hall |
Sarah Price |
Monday |
17th February |
2 pm |
Time for Tea and Friendship |
Exning Community Church Hall |
Christine Pearce |
Wednesday |
19th February |
10 am |
Bible Study |
By Zoom |
John Pascall |
Wednesday |
19th February |
8 pm |
Singing for Fun |
Exning Community Church Hall |
John Saville |
The next film to be shown is "Breakfast at Tiffany's (cert PG).A “Classic Rom Com” for Valentine’s Day. This is the story of a young woman in New York City who meets a young man when he moves into her apartment building. He is with an older woman who is very wealthy, but he wants to be a writer. She is working as an expensive escort and searching for a rich, older man to marry.
PARISH EVENTS DIARY PLANNING AND VOICE MEETING. 2.00 p.m. Friday 14th February 2025 in St Philip with St Etheldreda Chapel. Please note change of time for winter meetings. Everyone welcome. Join us to discover events planned for the coming months. Should you have events you would like advertised but are unable to attend the meeting, please send me the details and I shall include in the Parish Diary. Many thanks. Jenny King 01638 578344 or email kjennifer872@gmail.com
REPORTS FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT 2024 A gentle prod. I am still awaiting a few reports. Could I have them ASAP please. To allow me to merge the documents into a single file, please send in word format if possible. Thank you John Pascall (email john.pascall@outlook.com).
NOMINATIONS FOR CHARITABLE GIVING 2025 As most of you will be aware, the parish gives a proportion of its income each year (based on the previous year's income) to three charities chosen by members of the parish on the church electoral roll. As in previous years, having received nominations, I will produce voting slips of those charities for people to make their choice. Please could I receive nominations by 28th February to allow me time to arrange the subsequent vote. Please include some details about the charity you have nominated. There are no restrictions on charities nominated, except that the final distribution of monies must include one local and one Christian Charity. Thank you. John Pascall
PARISH EVENTS DIARY PLANNING AND VOICE MEETING. 2.00 p.m. Friday 14th February 2025 in St Philip with St Etheldreda Chapel. Please note change of time for winter meetings. Everyone welcome. Join us to discover events planned for the coming months. Should you have events you would like advertised but are unable to attend the meeting, please send me the details and I shall include in the Parish Diary. Many thanks. Jenny King 01638 578344 or email kjennifer872@gmail.com
FOOTSTEPS Toddler Group – journeying to Jesus St Martin’s Church has started a Christian Baby and Toddler group. It will run on the first and third Mondays of the month, from 10 a.m. – midday in Exning Community Church Hall. The next session will be on Monday 17th February. Sarah Price exningfootsteps@gmail.com
One of the most powerful ways to pray for children is to use scripture. Because the Bible is the living word of God, you can Pray His Word back to him. Pray for chidren by name (if known) asking that they will grow: in wisdom (the mind); in stature (physically); in favour with God (spiritually) and in favour with man (socially). 'Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man' Luke 2:52 Please continue to pray for Footsteps. Thanks, Sarah
TIME FOR TEA AND FRIENDSHIP. Held at EXNING COMMUNITY CHURCH HALL. For more information, please contact Christine Pearce. 01638 664314. Our next meeting is Monday 17th February.
The Great Gatsby on 15th May at the London Coliseum. Matinee performance, leaving Newmarket at 9 a.m. £75. Tickets are going quickly!
Advance notice: 21st November. Thursford Christmas Spectacular. Matinee performance.
Departure time TBA. Janet Ramsay-Helie 01638 603489
CHILDREN'S SOCIETY. Thank you to everyone who collected for the society this last year. Ann Peacock and myself counted the money in the six boxes today and I will be sending £81-09 to the society this week.
Judith McCarty
BURNS NIGHT. It's been a great very busy January and on Saturday we helped with our first BURN'S NIGHT at Exning Community Church Hall. What a great night! So many people dressed in tartan, bought tickets to attend, bought drinks from the bar and supported the raffle.
Three course traditional Scottish meal of Starter: Cullen Skink or Tattie and Leek soup, Main: Haggis wi’ Champit Tatties and Bashed Neeps and Pudding: Cranachan and whisky custard.
Raffle prizes and Wine and soft drinks available. An authentic evening of extensive poetry, music and
Sing-along. The final amount raised is currently being sorted.
Alan, Christine, Patsy, Cheryl, Jan, Vanessa, Glyn, Gary, Phoebe, Harley, Debbie and I worked hard in unison to make it happen. We all joined in with Auld Lang Syne at the end of the evening but with 42 seated guests and another four in reserve, we were kept very busy! Looking forward already to next year! Christine Rawlinson
OPEN DOOR FOODBANK. https://newmarketopendoor.org.uk/foodbank/ Please note that the Foodbank has now moved to The Racing Centre, Fred Archer Way, Newmarket. CB8 8NT. 01638 561711. Please call for advice on current needs. Gifts of food stuffs may be made through the supermarket collection trollies, or directly to the Unit.A reminder that the Foodbank welcomes cash donations or gift vouchers (Tesco or Aldi) to help purchase more fresh foods. Please contact the Foodbank directly or Dr Tony White: ajswhite@btinternet.com if you feel able to contribute in this way. With grateful thanks for your kind help.
Title | name | telephone |
Priest in Charge | Revd Liam Beadle | 01638 612373 |
Assistant Curate | Revd Cheryl Belding | 07801 499179 |
Parish Safeguarding Officer | Christine Pearce | 01638 664314 |
Churchwarden | Derek Bryant | 01638 577581 / 07706 749611 |
Churchwarden | Christine Pearce | 01638 664314 |
Lay Elders | Christine Shand | 01638 667788 |
Patsy Edwards | 01638 665343 | |
Sarah Price | 01638 578138 | |