Welcome to the Parish of Exning with Landwade
Tuesday 21st January St Agnes Day |
7 pm |
Holy Communion |
St Agnes |
Saturday 25th January |
9.00 am |
Prayerful Eucharist |
St Agnes |
Sunday 26th January Epiphany 3 |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
St Philip and St Etheldreda |
11 am |
Holy Communion |
St Martin |
11.15 am |
Matins |
St Agnes |
Saturday 1st February |
9.00 am |
Prayerful Eucharist |
St Agnes |
Sunday 2nd February The Presentation Of Christ In The Temple |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
St Philip and St Etheldreda |
9.30 am |
Soundbites Breakfast from 9.30 Worship from 10 am |
Exning Community Church Hall |
11.15 am |
Holy Communion |
St Agnes |
Readings for Communion Services
26th January 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a NT page 186
Luke 4:14-21 NT page 65
2nd February Psalm 24 OT page 532
Luke 2:22-40 NT page 63
Please pray for:
Ann, Avril, Ann, Sarah, Bridget, Nicholas, Pauline, Cedric, Sandra, Rosemary, Arthur, Tony, Sue,Terry, Lynsay, Claire, Andreea and Stephen and family, Patricia, Jane, Malcolm, Rose and Alan who are in particular need of prayer at this time.
For those mourning the deaths of loved ones.
Events for weeks commencing 19th and 26th January |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Topic |
Venue |
Contact |
Monday |
20th January |
10 am |
Footsteps |
Exning Community Church Hall |
Sarah Price |
Monday |
20th January |
2 pm |
Time for Tea and Friendship |
Exning Community Church Hall |
Christine Pearce |
Saturday |
25th January |
7 for 7.30 pm |
Burns Night Supper |
Exning Community Church Hall |
Alan Shand/Jan Lovegrove/Vanessa Burns |
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER. 7 for 7.30 p.m. Saturday 25th January 2025. Exning Community Church Hall.
Authentic Burns evening with traditional Scottish Menu. Three course supper. Wine bar and soft drinks available. Piper, poetry and music. Prize draw tickets.
Tickets (£20) available from: Alan Shand 07791 190325 Jan Lovegrove 07471 942696 Vanessa Burns 07578 902171
Event proceeds towards Church funds and community project.
FOOTSTEPS Toddler Group – journeying to Jesus St Martin’s Church has started a Christian Baby and Toddler group. It will run on the first and third Mondays of the month, from 10 a.m. – midday in Exning Community Church Hall. The next session will be on Monday 20th January. Sarah Price exningfootsteps@gmail.com
One of the most powerful ways to pray for children is to use scripture. Because the Bible is the living word of God, you can Pray His Word back to him. Pray for chidren by name (if known) asking that they will grow: in wisdom (the mind); in stature (physically); in favour with God (spiritually) and in favour with man (socially). 'Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man' Luke 2:52 Please continue to pray for Footsteps. Thanks, Sarah
TIME FOR TEA AND FRIENDSHIP. Held at EXNING COMMUNITY CHURCH HALL. For more information, please contact Christine Pearce. 01638 664314. Our next meeting is Monday 20th January 2025.
PARISH EVENTS DIARY PLANNING AND VOICE MEETING. 2.00 p.m. Friday 14th February 2025 in St Philip with St Etheldreda Chapel. Please note change of time for winter meetings. Everyone welcome. Join us to discover events planned for the coming months. Should you have events you would like advertised but are unable to attend the meeting, please send me the details and I shall include in the Parish Diary. Many thanks. Jenny King 01638 578344 or email kjennifer872@gmail.com
REPORTS FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT 2024 It is that time of year again when we must begin to compile the annual report for last year. If you normally submit a report, or have something new to report on, would you please snd it to me by Sunday 9th February. To allow me to merge the documents into a single file, please send in word format if possible. Thank you John Pascall (email john.pascall@outlook.com).
PLEASE WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO JOIN THE COFFEE ROTA ON A SUNDAY AT ST MARTIN’S? We need people to serve coffee/tea and biscuits following the 11.00 a.m. Service. Tea, coffee, sugar are provided but you are asked to bring a couple of packets of biscuits and some milk. (Any remaining milk and biscuits should be taken home following the service, as we are unable to safely keep food items in the cold, damp conditions of the church building.) Your help would be greatly valued in continuing to provide this opportunity to gather and socialise after the services but we need more help to lighten the load. The rota can be found on the Coffee serving table. With thanks for your consideration. Christine Pearce.
OPEN DOOR FOODBANK. https://newmarketopendoor.org.uk/foodbank/ Please note that the Foodbank has now moved to The Racing Centre, Fred Archer Way, Newmarket. CB8 8NT. 01638 561711. Please call for advice on current needs. Gifts of food stuffs may be made through the supermarket collection trollies, or directly to the Unit.A reminder that the Foodbank welcomes cash donations or gift vouchers (Tesco or Aldi) to help purchase more fresh foods. Please contact the Foodbank directly or Dr Tony White: ajswhite@btinternet.com if you feel able to contribute in this way. With grateful thanks for your kind help.
Title | name | telephone |
Priest in Charge | Revd Liam Beadle | 01638 612373 |
Assistant Curate | Revd Cheryl Belding | 07801 499179 |
Parish Safeguarding Officer | Christine Pearce | 01638 664314 |
Churchwarden | Derek Bryant | 01638 577581 / 07706 749611 |
Churchwarden | Christine Pearce | 01638 664314 |
Lay Elders | Christine Shand | 01638 667788 |
Patsy Edwards | 01638 665343 | |
Sarah Price | 01638 578138 | |